Monday, February 1, 2010

Causes of Cancer

Causes of Cancer

Cancer is the name used to refer to abnormal degenerative changes that any cell of the body can undergo. These cells lead to abnormal, inefficient, and invasive tissue, with a tendency to live forever.
Every day, our bodies recognize and eliminate abnormal cells that want to grow into abnormal cells and abnormal tissue. Once detected, they are destroyed and eliminated.
As we age, however, two things occur that increase the chances of acquiring cancer. First, our bodies become less and less able identify and kill abnormal cells. Second, habitual actions from our diets, exposures, and other factors lead to an increase in abnormal cells for our bodies to fight off.
Cancer cells are not caused by one single factor, but rather different stimuli can affect different organs, eventually leading to a weakened immune system response. These factors, combined with debilitating diseases, emotional distress or even depression can lead to an ideal environment for cancer to grow.

Cancer Causes We Can Not Avoid

Genetic Predisposition: sometimes people are born with pre-disposed conditions that lead to abnormal cell generation. Such is the case with childhood cancer, breast cancer with presence of oncogene, or some forms of leukemia.

Cancer from Diet

· Charcoal: burned food like bread, fat, beef, etc. produce acidity that can cause stomach and colon cancers
· Fried white flour: French fires, donuts, churros, etc. can also cause stomach cancer
· Pickled veggies: because of high acidity, can cause stomach cancer
· Chronic alcohol consumptions: can lead to liver, breast, and pancreatic cancer
· High sugar consumption: may cause insulin resistance, the same that is linked to prostate cancer.
· Drinking water from PVC bottles: leads to cancer of the kidneys, urinary bladder and prostate.

Cancer from Overexposure

· Electromagnetic changes: from overexposure to cell phones, electric transformers, and other devices with high current charges can lead to brain cancer or leukemia
· Tobacco: may lead to mouth, tongue, throat, lung, breast, endometrial and prostate cancer
· Ultraviolet Light: without protection, may cause skin cancer
· Gamma radiation and some chemotherapies used in Leukemia: linked to lymphomas
· Agricultural Carcinogenic: caused by poly-carbon, benzyl, formaldehyde, and others leaking into the food chain.
· Nitrates: can increase chances of kidney and prostate cancers

Cancer from Other Diseases

· Chronic Acid Reflux: linked to esophageal changes known as Barret esophagus, that in 26% of the time can turn into adenocarcinoma, a cancer that kills 80% of patients after 5 years
· Viral Infections with Epstein Barr: can trigger lymph node cancer or cancer of the nose and sinus
· Human Papiloma Virus: can lead to cervical and anal carcinomas

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Soto,
    Thank you for posting in your blog. I learn a lot from reading your posts.
