Monday, February 1, 2010

Arterial Hypertension

Arterial Hypertension

Currently, approximately 40 million people in the United States alone, as well as hundreds of millions around the world, need and habitually use medications to control arterial high blood pressure. This is due to the fact that serious complications exist because of AH (Arterial Hypertension) such as:

1.     Cerebral Hemorrhage - cerebro-vascular accident or stroke 
2.     Conjuntival or intraocular hemorrhage 
3.     Formation and ruptures of aneurism - defects in arterial wall 
4.     Renal insufficiency 
5.     Myocardial hypertrophy with possible cardiac insufficiency - enlarged heart
6.     Sexual impotence 
7.     Tinnitus - a constant hearing of heartbeats or ringing in the ears

Causes of Cancer

Causes of Cancer

Cancer is the name used to refer to abnormal degenerative changes that any cell of the body can undergo. These cells lead to abnormal, inefficient, and invasive tissue, with a tendency to live forever.
Every day, our bodies recognize and eliminate abnormal cells that want to grow into abnormal cells and abnormal tissue. Once detected, they are destroyed and eliminated.
As we age, however, two things occur that increase the chances of acquiring cancer. First, our bodies become less and less able identify and kill abnormal cells. Second, habitual actions from our diets, exposures, and other factors lead to an increase in abnormal cells for our bodies to fight off.
Cancer cells are not caused by one single factor, but rather different stimuli can affect different organs, eventually leading to a weakened immune system response. These factors, combined with debilitating diseases, emotional distress or even depression can lead to an ideal environment for cancer to grow.

Mercury Intoxication

Mercury Intoxication

One of my patients, we’ll call her Ms Smith, came to me recently complaining about having chronic fatigue for over a year. She was undergoing treatment by other physicians for depression without any improvement. After doing a through investigation and physical exam, I found she had deteriorated amalgam fillings and a history of eating canned tuna.

Initial hair and urine tests proved nothing irregular, so she was given oral DMSA and a dose of N Acetyl Cysteine. A subsequent urine test about 4 hrs later showed that her mercury levels had risen from 1.3 mcg/dl (normal levels) to 13 mcg/dl (abnormal). The DMSA was cleansing her system of its toxically high levels of mercury.

Ms. Smith was then placed on a 3 month DMSA and nutritional support program to eliminate subsequent traces of mercury, and has since been enjoying greatly improved energy levels.